English–Dutch dictionary

Dutch translation of the English word lost cause

English → Dutch
EnglishDutch (translated indirectly)Esperanto
(get; make; have; bring)
🔗 Comey also writes that he was told by Barack Obama after the election that nothing that had happened had caused the then‐president to question his integrity.
(give rise to; provoke; result in; inflict; wreak; bring); ; ; ;
ten gevolge hebben
; ;
🔗 Still, to look would cause no harm.
🔗 While ice is not the only possible cause of these reflective regions, astronomers believe it is the most likely.
(cause to take place; hold; organize; provoke; stage)
(develop; create; engender; provoke)
doen ontstaan
(bring about; lead to; result in; turn out)
ten gevolge hebben
(business; matter; affair)
🔗 In wars, boy, fools kill other fools for foolish causes.
(fall away; lose flesh; lose in weight)
; ;
🔗 As an adult, Leon Czolgosz worked in a Cleveland factory until he lost his job in a labour dispute in 1893.
🔗 Johnson’s speech on Wednesday night reflects the Brexiteers’ growing fears that, while they won the referendum battle, they might be losing the war.
(go to the wall; be worsted; have the worse; get the worst of it; be beaten; be defeated)

lost cause hopeloze zaak; verloren zaak
cause aandoen; aanleiding; aanleiding geven tot; aanrichten; berokkenen; bewerken; bewerker; bezorgen; doen ontstaan; geding; laten; oorzaak; proces; rechtszaak; reden; ten gevolge hebben; teweegbrengen; veroorzaken; veroorzaker; verwekken; verwekker; wekken; zaak; zorgen voor
lose achterlopen; afraken van; afvallen; doen verliezen; erbij inschieten; het verliezen; kwijtraken; missen; schade lijden; verbeuren; verliezen; verspelen; verzuimen