Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord target figure

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(cipher; digit; numeral)
(diagram; image; representation; configuration)
🔗 When all were on their feet, the floating figure spoke.
(calculate; work out; account; add up); ; ;
(depict; represent); ; ; ;
(stature); ;
(matter; number); ;
🔗 Though official figures may never be known, it is believed that about 10% of the country’s population died.
🔗 He figures the whole attack took about three and a half minutes.
(aim; goal; purpose; butt; end; intent; objective; destination; object)
(mean; aim; aim at; aim for; be after); ; ; ;
🔗 This book is targeted at new programmers and those migrating from VB6 or from non‐object‐oriented languages.
🔗 Boko Haram’s targets include police outposts and churches, as well as places associated with Western influence.
(aim; take aim at)
🔗 They say that they could be targeted by pro‐Ukrainian saboteurs.

target figure streefcijfer
figure afbeelding; bedrag; beeld; cijfer; cijferen; denken; figureren; figuur; gedaante; gestalte; met figuren versieren; personage; persoon; persoonlijkheid; postuur; verschijning; vóórkomen; zich voorstellen
target doel; doelwit; mikken; mikpunt; richten; schietschijf; schijf; streefcijfer