Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord not just yet

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(fair; righteous; equitable; legitmate)
🔗 This verdict was far from just.
(only; but; as little as);
🔗 But Michigan’s just the first part of Trump’s puzzle.
(exactly; okay; right; accurately; correctly; precisely; aright; properly);
🔗 That’s just what I was thinking to myself, Huck.
(just now; newly; a minute ago); ; ;
(merely; only); ;
🔗 It’s just a flesh wound.
(but; merely; only; simply; solely); ;
🔗 Just keep out of our way.
🔗 But there is much yet to do.
(already; by now)
nun ankoraŭ
(but; however; nevertheless; still; though)
🔗 Yet the problems don’t go away.
(at last; ultimately)
(hitherto; as yet; so far; thus far)
🔗 But her decision to align herself to Trump so soon after he took office could be her worst mistake yet.
🔗 By the third week of March, 1924, Chaplin had yet another idea.

not just yet nu nog niet
just alleen maar; alleenlijk; billijk; daarnet; domweg; een steekspel houden; eens; eenvoudig; enkel; enkelijk; even; eventjes; gegrond; gerecht; gewoon; gewoonweg; juist; maar; net; nipt; pas; precies; recht; rechtvaardig; simpelweg; steekspel; toernooi; verdiend; zomaar; zonder meer
yet al; alsnog; edoch; haast; intussen; maar toch; nochtans; nog; nog altijd; nu nog; ondertussen; toch; toch nog; tot nog toe