Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord have and hold

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(have got)
🔗 Do you have your own furniture?
(receive; get; catch)
(hang onto; hold; retain; keep; maintain)
🔗 She had long hair, but she wanted to cut it short.
(have got)
🔗 No, not all of them have English names.
🔗 We have powerful friends.
🔗 I have nothing against Islam or any faith for that matter.
(hang onto; retain; keep; maintain; have)
🔗 He held it at arm’s length.
(comprise; contain)
🔗 It still held oil.
(halt; stop; end; obstruct; stem; stay; stall; arrest);
(occupy; take; engage; fill; involve)
🔗 A successful strike southwards would make Russia’s defence of parts of Cherson it still holds untenable.

have and hold hê en hou
have besit; flous; flousery; hou; hê; neem; ontvang
hold aanhou; aansien; ag; behou; beklee; besighou; besit; beskou; bevat; bevrug word; boei; daar op nahou; daarvoor hou; deurgaan; duur; geld; geldig wees; gevangenis; greep; handvatsel; hou; houvas; huldig; in besit bly van; in besit hê; inhou; inneem; invloed; mag; ophou; ruim; skuilplek; steun; stilhou; teenhou; tronksel; van krag bly; van mening wees; vashou; vat; verdedig; vier; volhou