Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord hou

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
; ; ;
hold the line
(gedrag); ;
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hou blow; bounce; buffet; celebrate; chop; clout; conduct; cut; facer; fib; fillip; gash; hack; have; hit; hold; jab; keep; lair; last; live; make; observe; punch; retain; shot; slash; smack; sock; stroke; swish; thwack; welt
buite hou keep out
by die wind hou keep to the wind
die hoof hoog hou hold up one’s head
die wag hou keep watch
gevange hou detain
hê en hou have and hold
hou aan keep to
hou en trou loyal and faithful
hou van like; care about; care for; take a fancy to; favour; be fond of; have a liking for; take to
in spanning hou hold in suspense
moed hou keep heart; hold up one’s head; keep up one’s spirits; keep up courage; keep a stiff upper lip; keep one’s pecker up; keep one’s tail up
’n hou gee gash; hit; land a blow
’n stelling hou hold a position
op ’n afstand hou keep at arm’s length; hold off
sy mond hou hold one’s tongue; keep one’s counsel
aanhou arrest; bear; hold the line; keep; challenge; continue; endure; persevere; stick; last; sustain; hold; hold on; hold up; insist; keep it up; persist; place under arrest; keep on
afhou avert; downstroke; downthrow; fend off; keep away; withhold; keep off; keep from; hinder; deduct; cut off
afslaanhou service
agterhou reserve; hold back; hold over; suppress
beeldhou carve; chisel; sculp; sculpture
behou keep; hold; husband; preserved; retain
besighou amuse; employ; engage; engross; exercise; hold; occupy
binnehou retain
blaarhoudend evergreen
bladhoudend indeciduous
bloedhoudend sanguiferous
byhou keep up to date; enter; enter up; post; keep up with; keep level with; write up
bymekaarhou hold together; keep together
doodhou clincher; corker; death blow; scorcher; smash; smasher; squelch
dryfhou drive
dwarshou by‐blow; cross‐pass
fortuinhou hole‐in‐one
geheimhou keep close; cover up; keep dark; smother
gereedhou hold in readiness
gesighou uppercut
gipshoudend gypsiferous
hooghou sustain; uphold
hotomhou slice
houbaar defensible; maintainable; supportable; tenable
houding air; attitude; bearing; behaviour; carriage; comportment; conduct; demeanour; deportment; position; posture; mien; poise; port; pose; presence; set; stance
houer container; holder; stoper
hou‐jou‐bek‐wet gag‐law
hounet keep‐net
houvas hold; handle; foothold; handhold; grip; grasp; purchase; holding
huishou family; housekeeping; keep house
inhou bate; bridle; carry; check; contain; restrain; rope; hold; hold in; imply; import; keep in; purport; pull in; recoup; refrain; refuse; draw rein; repress; retain; stop; suppress
kanthou side‐stroke
kieselhoudend siliceous
klaphou smacker
kleihoudend pelitic
kleurhoudend fadeless
kliphouwerk tooling
koperhoudend cupric; cupriferous
kwartshoudend quartziferous; quartzose
lepelhou half‐volley
linkerhou left; left‐hander
loodhoudend plumbic
lughou lob; skyer
mangaanhoudend manganiferous
melkhoudend lactescent
metaalhoudend metalliferous
mishou mishit; miss
mokerhou crippling blow; crump; stunner; swipe; smash; smasher; thwack; welter; whang
nikkelhoudend nickeliferous
oliehoudend oil‐bearing
ónderhou hold down; hold under
oorhou carry; leave over
ophou break; cease; check; chuck it; come to an end; desist; detain; discontinuance; discontinue; drop; finish; retard; hold; intermit; keep; keep up; knock off; leave; pause; sojourn; stop; come to a stop; stoppage; stopping; surcease; unyoke; withdraw
plaashou place
platinahoudend platiniferous; platinum‐bearing
ploeghou sclaff
pyphou shank
raakhou quip
reghou poise; steady
sabelhou sword‐cut
sinkhoudend zinky; zinciferous
skenkelhou shank
skephou half‐volley; uppercut
skoolhou teach
southoudend saliferous; saline; saliniferous
stamphou jab; push‐shot
standhou hold out; stand firm; last; endure; keep one’s ground; make a stand; stand to one’s guns; stand fast
steekhou hold water
stikstofhoudend nitrogenous
strafhou penalty stroke
suikerhoudend sacchariferous
suurstofhoudend oxygenous
teëhou cohibit; stunt; stay
teenhou arrest; bar; delay; foreclose; retard; hold; impede; inhibit; intercept; keep under; obstruct; put a check on; retain; stem; stop
terughou detain; deter; hold back; hold at bay; keep back; refrain; withhold
tinhoudend stanniferous; stannous; tinny
toesighoudend supervising; surveillant
uiteenhou keep apart; distinguish
uithou abide; face out; endure; last; sustain; hold out; resist; stand; stay; suffer; support
uitklophou floorer; knock‐down blow; knock‐out blow
uitmekaarhou distinguish
vashou hold; cling; clutch; detain; grasp; hang on; hold on; keep hold of; immobilize
vitrioelhoudend vitriolic
vlughou volley
volhou face out; endure; persevere; sustain; follow on; hold; hold out; insist; insist on; keep up; maintain; stand out; stay; stick it; support; sustainment
voorhou exhort; present; represent
waterhoudend hydrous
weerhou detain; deter; restrain; keep back; withhold
wegdraaihou slice
weghou keep away