Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord whole note

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(annotation; commentary)
(make a note; take down); ;
(enter; record); ; ;
(ascertain; establish; take note; notice); ;
(notice; detect; remark; spot); ;
🔗 Analysts have also noted the lack of Russian air support.
(negotiable security; bill; negotiable instrument);
🔗 It will be best if you leave him a note.
(remark; call attention to; observe);
opmerkzaam maken
🔗 “Besides,” he noted, “many of the Indian exporters may resist receiving their export proceeds in rupees, preferring to earn dollars instead of rupees through exports.”
(entire; overall; integral; global; outright; thorough); ;
🔗 The whole country is fighting against Russia.
(all; entirety)
🔗 Russia’s focus is on conquering the whole of the eastern Donbas and holding on to other areas of the south that it seized at the start of the war.
(complete; integral; thoroughgoing; full);
🔗 Not a single piece of furniture remained whole.
(undivided; entire)
(integer; integral);
🔗 Integers are whole numbers, like 1, 12, and 256.

whole note hele noot
note aantekenen; aantekening; aanzien; bankbiljet; betekenis; biljet; boekje; briefje; kenteken; krabbeltje; merk; merkteken; muzieknoot; noot; nota; nota nemen van; noteren; notitie; notitie nemen van; opschrijven; optekenen; teken; toets; toon
whole algeheel; gaaf; gans; geheel; heel; in zijn geheel; ongebuild; ongedeerd; ongeschonden; onverdeeld; volledig