Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord western

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 The Russian government will on Thursday discuss giving subsidies to airlines and airports to help them cope with the economic damage caused by Western sanctions, Interfax news agency said.
🔗 Russian officials have reported deadly attacks in at least four locations in western Russia’s Belgorod region
country and western
(country music)
western arbor‐vitae
(giant arbor‐vitae; giant cedar; Pacific red cedar; shinglewood; western red cedar)
(West Australia)
🔗 A 16‐year‐old girl has died after being attacked by a shark while swimming in a river in Western Australia.
western bronze‐naped pigeon
(capercaillie; Eurasian capercaille; wood grouse; heather cock; cock of the woods; cock of the wood)
western hemlock
(western hemlock‐spruce)
westelijke hemlockspar
western hemlock‐spruce
(western hemlock)
westelijke hemlockspar
western jackdaw
(daw; jackdaw; Eurasian jackdaw; European jackdaw; jack; chough)
western marsh harrier
(Eurasian marsh harrier)
Western touch‐me‐not
(touch‐me‐not balsam; touch‐me‐not; yellow balsam; jewelweed; wild balsam)
groot springzaad
flava balzamino
western waterweed
(Nuttall’s waterweed)
smalle waterpest
western white fir
(grand fir; giant fir; lowland white fir; great silver fir; Vancouver fir)
western white pine
(silver pine; California mountain pine)
western yellow pine
(ponderosa pine; bull pine; blackjack pine)
gele den
🔗 Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces were making significant progress in pushing the Russians back around Charkiv, at the northwestern tip of the Donbas region, the official said.
🔗 Authorities have ordered thousands of people living in the southwestern town of Grindavík to leave as a precaution.
(westward; westwards; to the west)
naar het westen
🔗 Earlier, a hospital train run by the medical charity Doctors Without Borders evacuated 48 wounded patients to Lviv in the west.
🔗 That may be exactly what Putin expected when he made patently unreasonable demands of the West, in exchange for not attacking a neighbour yet again.

western cowboyfilm; west‐; westelijk; westen‐; western; westers; wild‐westfilm; wild‐westverhaal
country and western country; countrymuziek
western arbor‐vitae reuzenlevensboom
western bronze‐naped pigeon bronsnekduif
western capercaille auerhoen
western hemlock westelijke hemlockspar
western hemlock‐spruce westelijke hemlockspar
western jackdaw kauw; kerkkraai
western marsh harrier bruine kiekendief
Western touch‐me‐not groot springzaad
western waterweed smalle waterpest
western white fir reuzenzilverspar
western white pine Amerikaanse witte den
western yellow pine gele den; ponderosa‐den
northwestern noordwest‐
southwestern zuidwestelijk
west naar het westen; westelijk; westen; westen‐; wester‐; west‐
westernize verwesteren; verwestersen
westernmost meest westelijk