Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord walnut

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 India confirmed this week it would impose retaliatory tariffs on a range of American goods, including apples, walnuts and some chemical and metal products, from August 4.
(walnut tree)
(English walnut; Persian walnut; common walnut)
gewone walnoot
; ; ;
Perzische walnoot
🔗 If you think you might have a hybrid of the black walnut and Carpathian walnut, the Michigan Nut Growers Association wants to hear from you.
common walnut
(English walnut; Persian walnut)
gewone walnoot
; ; ;
Perzische walnoot
eastern black walnut
(black walnut)
zwarte walnoot
English walnut
(Persian walnut; common walnut)
gewone walnoot
; ; ;
Perzische walnoot
(English walnut; common walnut)
gewone walnoot
; ; ;
Perzische walnoot
🔗 Black walnut is more resistant to frost than the English or Persian walnut, but thrives best in the warmer regions of fertile, lowland soils with high water tables.
walnut tree
white walnut
(butternut; oil‐nut)
grijze walnoot
griza juglandujo
🔗 The husk is best removed when green, as the nuts taste better if it is removed then.

walnut noot; notehout; notehouten; okkernoot; walnoot; wortelnoten
Carpathian walnut Perzische walnoot; gewone walnoot; okkernoot; walnoot
common walnut Perzische walnoot; gewone walnoot; okkernoot; walnoot
eastern black walnut zwarte walnoot
English walnut Perzische walnoot; gewone walnoot; okkernoot; walnoot
Persian walnut Perzische walnoot; gewone walnoot; okkernoot; walnoot
walnut tree noteboom
white walnut grijze walnoot
nut bal; freak; gek; heertje; hoofd; idioot; kanis; kloot; kop; mafkees; mafketel; moer; moerschroef; noot; noten plukken; schroefmoer; slof; test