Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord waive

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(relinquish; renounce)
afzien van
afstand doen van
afzien van
laten varen
malinsisti pri
🔗 If we do our best and cannot find the princess, you shall still give us ten pounds for every man slain in the search, but we will waive further reward.
(put away; lay away); ; ;
(give up; renounce; forgo);
🔗 In the lead‐up to Saturday’s polls, the 61‐year‐old has handed out deeds to plots of land that are yet to be reclaimed from shallow lagoons, promised a 40 percent wage rise for the country’s bloated public sector, and even waived all fees for parking violations accumulated over the past five years.

waive afstand doen van; afzien van; laten varen; opzij zetten; ter zijde stellen