Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord tobacco

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Turkey said Thursday that it’s imposing tariffs worth $ 267 million on US goods, targeting items such as coal, paper, walnuts, tobacco, rice, whiskey and cars.
(tobacco plant)
(tobacco plant)
flowering tobacco
(woodland tobacco; South American tobacco)
jasmine tobacco
(winged tobacco; sweet tobacco)
Persian tobacco
(winged tobacco; jasmine tobacco; sweet tobacco)
sailor’s tobacco
(mugwort; common mugwort)
South American tobacco
(woodland tobacco; flowering tobacco)
sweet tobacco
(winged tobacco; jasmine tobacco)
tobacco plant
tobacco plant
tobacco smoke
tree tobacco
wild tobacco
(common toadflax; yellow toadflax; bridewort; butter haycocks; bread and butter; flaxweed; monkey‐flower)
ordinara linario
winged tobacco
(jasmine tobacco; sweet tobacco)
woodland tobacco
(flowering tobacco; South American tobacco)
(tobacconist’s shop; smoke shop)

tobacco tabak; toebak
chew tobacco pruimen
flowering tobacco bostabak
jasmine tobacco siertabak
Persian tobacco siertabak
sailor’s tobacco bijvoet
South American tobacco bostabak
sweet tobacco siertabak
tobacco plant tabak; tabaksplant
tobacco smoke tabaksrook
tree tobacco boomtabak
Virginia tobacco Virginia‐tabak
wild tobacco vlasbekje; vlasleeuwebek
winged tobacco siertabak
woodland tobacco bostabak
chewing‐tobacco pruimtabak
cigarette‐tobacco shag; sigarettentabak
pipe‐tobacco pijptabak
smoking‐tobacco rooktabak
tobacco‐box tabaksdoos
tobacco‐chewer pruimer
tobacco‐culture tabaksbouw; tabakscultuur
tobacco‐dealer tabakshandelaar
tobacco‐factory tabaksfabriek
tobacco‐growing tabaksbouw; tabakscultuur
tobacco‐jar tabakspot
tobacco‐leaf tabaksblad
tobacconist sigarenboer; sigarenhandelaar; tabakshandelaar; tabaksverkoper
tobacco‐plantation tabaksonderneming; tabaksplantage
tobacco‐planter tabaksplanter
tobacco‐pouch tabakszak
tobacco‐shop tabakswinkel
tobacco‐trade tabakshandel