Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord though I say it myself

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 It was just the way I said.
(for example; for instance; e.g.; i.e.)
ni diru
🔗 Then we heard the mass and the priest said to say a prayer for the pope.
(although; albeit; while; even though); ; ;
🔗 Though that is 66% more than five years earlier, Widodo thinks it is not good enough.
(but; however; nevertheless; yet; still); ;
🔗 It is well built, though, isn’t it?

though I say it myself al zeg ik het zelf
say bidden; bijvoorbeeld; inspraak; laten we zeggen; medezeggenschap; opzeggen; pakweg; spreken; zeg; zegge; zeggen; zeggenschap
though al; alhoewel; echter; evenwel; hoewel; maar; niettegenstaande; ofschoon; schoon; toch