Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord sound barrier

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
sound barrier
(fence; bar);
🔗 The new deal will remove barriers to EU‐Japan trade, but put some American companies at a disadvantage.
(obstruction; bar)
🔗 The positions of the continents and the connections or barriers between them are major factors that have affected the evolutionary history and geographical distribution of particular groups of dinosaurs.
(strike; resound)
🔗 Presently a step sounded behind him.
🔗 This time the horse made no sound at all.
(right; true; correct; valid);
gelijk hebbend
; ; ;
(prudent; reasonable; sensible; far‐sighted; judicious; wise)
(peal; ring; clang; toll);
(deeply; profoundly; fast)
(prime; quality)
🔗 The cloak itself was sound enough.
; ; ;
(plumb; sound out);
(solid); ;
🔗 The Ukrainian defence of Bachmut remains strategically sound as it continues to consume Russian manpower and equipment as long as Ukrainian forces do not suffer excessive casualties.

sound barrier geluidsbarrière
barrier afsluiting; barrière; boom; controlepost; hek; hindernis; hinderpaal; scheidsmuur; slagboom; sperboom; spoorboom
sound ausculteren; bekloppen; betrouwbaar; blazen op; degelijk; deugdelijk; doen; doen klinken; doen weerklinken; doortimmerd; ernstig; fiks; flink; gaaf; galm; galmen; gedegen; geluid; geschal; gezond; goed; grondig; klank; klinken; kloppen op; krachtig; laten horen; laten klinken; laten schallen; lijken; loden; luiden; naar beneden duiken; onbedorven; onderzoeken; peilen; polsen; reëel; schallen; solide; solied; sonde; sonderen; steekhoudend; sterk; toon; uitbazuinen; uithoren; uitspreken; vast; verantwoord; weerklinken; zeeëngte; zwemblaas