Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord rest one’s case

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(affair; matter)
🔗 Inside nestled were two hard leather cases.
🔗 Adjectives in Esperanto agree in number and case with the noun they qualify.
(chance; event; occurrence; opportunity; instance; occasion; time)
🔗 Before the US mumps vaccination programme started in 1967, the CDC received reports of 186,000 cases each year.
(thing; matter; issue; question)
🔗 But in this case you are wrong.
(be deposited; be in the keeping)
esti deponita
🔗 You may rest a little now.
(prop; support; buttress; strut; stanchion; back)
(remainder; balance);
🔗 Rand stared at the man’s eyes almost as much as at the rest of him.
(remain; stay; stay over; abide; keep; stop; tarry)
(support; sustain; bolster; buttress; prop; underpin; back up; prop up)

rest one’s case zijn pleidooi beëindigen
case argument; band; casus; dek; doos; etui; foedraal; gedig; geding; geval; handkoffer; hok; huisje; huls; in een kist doen; insluiten; kas; kast; kist; koffer; koffertje; koker; naamval; opnemen; overtrek; overtrékken; pakkist; patiënt; proces; rechtszaak; schede; tas; toestand; trommel; verkennen; zaak
rest baseren; bedding; blijven; bok; haak; laten rusten; overblijfsel; overige; overschot; pauze; reservefonds; residu; rest; restje; rust; rust geven; rust hebben; rusten; rustig blijven; rustpauze; rustplaats; rustpunt; rustteken; rusttijd; staartje; steun; steunen; steuntje; tehuis; telefoonhaak; uitrusten; verpozing; zich verpozen