Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord rebounding shot

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(bounce; recoil; ricochet; bank)
(attempt; test; bid; rehearsal; trial; try)
🔗 Aleksej Venediktov, a well‐connected editor‐in‐chief of radio station Echo of Moscow, said Katerina Tihonova, widely believed to be Putin’s youngest daughter, was the one who got the shot in early‐stage trials.
🔗 In Denmark, hunters have had to use those alternatives since 1996, when lead shot was banned for all hunting.

rebounding shot ricochetschot
rebound afstuiten; afstuiting; ketsen; terugkaatsen; terugkaatsing; terugspringen; terugstoot; terugstuiten
shot aandeel; borrel; gelag; gissing; glas; hagel; injectie; inzet; kiekje; kogel; opname; pikketanissie; poging; rekening; scherpschutter; schot; schroot; schutter; shot; slag; spuit; spuitje; stoot; tic; worp