Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord poisonous

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(toxic; venemous; virulent);
🔗 Wolfsbane is a native plant found throughout the UK; it is also very poisonous.
; ;
🔗 Even after the Russian authorities poisoned Navalʹnyj with a nerve agent and later imprisoned him on politically motivated charges, few Ukrainians softened their stances.

poisonous gif‐; gift‐; giftig; onuitstaanbaar; vergiftig
poisonous plant gifplant
poisonous snake gifslang; giftslang
non‐poisonous giftvrij; gifvrij
poison bederven; gif; gift; verbitteren; vergallen; vergeven; vergif; vergift; vergiftigen; verpesten
poisonousness giftigheid; vergiftigheid