Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord pirate station

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 So at this point there were Native Americans, English sailors and pirates from a variety of places all in one location.
(stage; stop; terminal)
(post; capacity; job; office; position; appointment);
(foothold; footing; stand)
(grade; rank; status; standing)
🔗 Should you not entertain yourself among other maids of your station?

pirate station etherpiraat
pirate illegaal gekopieerd; illegaal kopiëren; nadrukken; namaak‐; namaker; piraat; piraten‐; roofschip; roven; zeerover
station basis; bureau; garnizoen; plaats; plaatsen; politiebureau; positie; post; posteren; rang; stand; standplaats; statie; station; stationeren; veefokkerij