Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord outside of

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(outside; aside from; other than)
🔗 These are uncommon outside of Northern America.
outside of
(outside; out)
(bar; except; apart from)
🔗 He was sometimes cornered when Tam was not around, with no way to escape outside of rudeness.
(outside of; aside from; other than)
🔗 It is not accessible outside the function.
(external; outer; exogenous; exterior; outward)
(out; without);
🔗 Every bit as important was word from outside, news of the world beyond the Two Rivers.
(out; outward)
(outside of; out)
🔗 Herbert Squiers, the American secretary, allowed his wife and children to travel to their summer home 15 miles outside Peking.

outside of buiten
outside buiten; buiten het bereik van; buitengaats; buitenkant; buitenste; buitenzij; buitenzijde; buiten‐; daarbuiten; hierbuiten; in de volle grond; naar buiten; uiterste; uitwendige; van buiten komend