Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord on business

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(commerce; trade; transaction); ;
🔗 Hog farming is a major business in Jiāxīng.
(enterprise; venture; exercise)
(commercial; mercantile);
; ;
🔗 However, the CBI, which represents British businesses, said the proposal was “encouraging”.
(cause; matter; affair)
🔗 And there is also another business which presses on my mind.
(ahead; forth; forward; forwards; onward; to the fore)
(at; by; upon; over; to); ; ; ;
🔗 They don’t want ever to leave on those terms.
(by; by means of; through; with; via); ;
(further; more; beyond; anymore; moe);
(upon; onto; in; at; aboard; atop);
🔗 Mistress al’Vere gave him a pat on the cheek.
(a; in; into; per; an); ; ;
(by; from; of); ;
(about; concerning; for; of; over; regarding; after; with; upon; in; as to; into; toward); ; ; ; ; ;
🔗 Insist on obedience!
aan de gang
🔗 Doesn’t he know there’s a war on?
(at the expense of)
op kosten van
je la kosto de
(across from; against; in exchange for; opposed to; versus; with; opposite; for; contra; from); ; ;
🔗 Senator Bill Hagerty has released a statement regarding the Russian attack on the Ukraine.
(at; beside; with; by; next to; in the case of; among); ;
🔗 As Ukrainian forces continue their offensive in the southern Cherson region, Russian media are reporting heavy bombardments around the town of Nova Kachovka on the Dnipro river.

on business voor zaken
business aangelegenheid; affaire; bedrijf; beroep; commercie; gedoe; geval; handel; handelszaak; koopmanschap; kwestie; nering; onderneming; spel; taak; toko; werk; zaak; zaken
on aan; aangesloten; bij; door; in; met; naar; om; op; op kosten van; over; tegen; ten koste van; van; verder; volgens; voort