Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord light‐weight

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(kindle; ignite; set alight; torch); ;
(bright; clear; light‐coloured);
🔗 A door opened, emitting a light quivering and almost palpable, like a flickering alternation of purple and green.
(faint; weak; feeble; frail; weedy)
(burn; flash on; take fire; ignite; catch fire);
(delicate; fine)
(easy; facile); ;
lumigi al
🔗 Be sure everyone has eaten a light meal about an hour before the photo session.
🔗 The weight of the litter, so little at the start, now tried to pull him to the ground.
(concern; importance; seriousness; significance; moment; import; consequence);
🔗 I regret that you fail to discern in me that prudence to which you attach so much weight.
(burden; charge; load; batch)
🔗 Perrin always kept his eyes down these days, and his shoulders sagged as if he carried a weight too heavy even for their width.

light‐weight lichtgewicht
light aangaan; aanmaken; aansteken; aanstrijken; afstappen; afstijgen; belichten; belichting; bijlichten; blond; daglicht; gemakkelijk; helder; levenslicht; licht; lichtbak; lichtblond; lichteffect; lichtje; lichtval; lichtzinnig; los; luchtig; lucifer; makkelijk; met weinig bagage; naar beneden komen; onvast; opsteken; venster; verlichten; verlichting; vlammetje; vuur vatten; vuurtje; zacht; zich laten zakken
weight aantrekkingskracht; belangrijkheid; belasten; belasting; bezwaren; druk; gewicht; last; zwaarder maken; zwaarte