Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord ice‐floe

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(ice sheet; ice cap; ice mantle; pack‐ice; floe)
🔗 More than 220 people have been rescued after two ice‐floes broke off from the Latvian coast and were blown into the Gulf of Riga, Latvian emergency services said Friday.
(ice sheet; ice cap; ice mantle; ice‐floe; pack‐ice)
🔗 All 181 people on the larger floe near the capital city of Riga were removed by boat, and 42 people were rescued by helicopter from the smaller floe off the coast of Jūrmala, a nearby seaside resort town.

ice‐floe ijsschol; ijsschots
floe ijsschol; ijsschots; schol; schots; stuk drijfijs
ice doen verstijven; frapperen; glaceren; ijs; verkillen