Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord final remark

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(conclusive; last; ultimate);
🔗 His final years were spent at Fulham Palace, the home of his friend Henry Compton, bishop of London from 1675.
(definite; definitive; decided; decisive; firm; positive; affirmative; irrevocable)
(decider; play‐off; finale)
(last; hindmost; latest; latter; ultimate)
(observation; reproof; censure; condemnation; deprecation; stricture; aspersion)
🔗 Zochrey Cargus took no offence at the remark.
riproĉa rimarko
(notice; detect; note; spot);
(call attention to; observe; note)
(observation; comment)

final remark slotopmerking
final beslissend; definitief; eindafrekening; eindexamen; eindwedstrijd; eind‐; finaal; finale; laatste; slot‐; uiteindelijk; uiteindelijke
remark aanmerking; bemerken; bemerking; opmerken; opmerking; uitlating