Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord ex‐president

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(former president);
🔗 He told one adviser during an expletive‐laden conversation recently never to bring up the ex‐president ever again.
(chairman; moderator; chair)
; ;
🔗 Brigham Young was the president of this quorum and took control of the church.
(chairwoman; female president);
🔗 An ally of Mr. Maduro, former foreign minister Delcy Rodríguez, is president of the new body.
🔗 Iceland formally became a republic on 17 June 1944, with Sveinn Björnsson as the first president.
(female president)
🔗 Dalia Grybauskaltė, the Lithuanian president, has told CNN that EU leaders have agreed in principle to grant an extension to the Brexit process, but have not finalized the length of the extension.

ex‐ gewezen; oud‐; voormalig; vroeger
president praeses; president; presidente; voorzitster; voorzitter