Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord downside

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(disadvantage; drawback)
🔗 Leaving the 28‐nation bloc—the largest free‐trade area in the world—would have “no downsides, only considerable upsides”, former Brexit secretary David Davis said.
(downhill; downward; downwards; below); ;
🔗 She moved down through the garden.
(swallow); ; ;
(along; alongside); ;
🔗 Travelling through the trees was more difficult than taking Tam down the road, and the night surely did not help, but going out onto the road itself would be madness.
🔗 A large portion of travel routes are blocked by downed trees and power lines.
(shoot; shoot down; bring down)
🔗 And on Friday, Zelensky said the country’s forces had downed three Russian Su‐34 warplanes.
(below; underneath; beneath)
🔗 Down on the slope, about twenty minutes away, the soldiers climbed steadily.
minder belangrijk
; ;
🔗 The side walls were of stakes set upright a few inches in the ground and fastened together at their tops and bottoms by creepers.
(aspect; flank); ;
🔗 As Rand watched his side of the road, the feeling grew in him that he was being watched.
(acclivity; hillside; slope; declivity; gradient; slant)
(party; camp; faction)
🔗 China has reliably backed Russia in opposing US condemnation of the Ukraine invasion in international forums, but says it will not provide arms to either side in the war.
🔗 So if there are conditions coming from the British side which we cannot accept, then we will go on our own way without an exit agreement.

downside nadeel
down achter; af; afwaarts; beneden; benedenwaarts; bij; contant; doen vallen; dons; donzen; down; eronder houden; eronder krijgen; heuvel; kalkheuvel; minder; naar beneden; naar binnen slaan; naar omlaag; naar onder; naar onderen; neer; neergaand; neerleggen; neerschieten; neerslachtig; nesthaar; nestveren; omlaag; omver; onder; terneder; terneer; van; verticaal
side effect; effectbal; elftal; equipe; flank; gezichtspunt; helling; kant; kantje; partij; ploeg; wand; zij; zijde; zijkant