Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord dismiss something with

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(discharge; fire; sack; oust; remove; expel; jilt; bounce; chuck; ditch; give the push; send packing; give the sack; give the boot; give the mitten);
🔗 Both officers have been dismissed from the army.
(turn away; deport; send away)
(discharge; fire; sack; retrench; lay off);
(depose; oust; remove; unseat; remove from office)
🔗 The lira’s collapse came after Erdoğan dismissed Turkish central bank governor Naci Ağbal on Saturday, just two days after Ağbal hiked interest rates to counter a sharp rise in inflation.
rifuzi konsideri
(do away with)
(condemn; disapprove; disapprove of; rebuke; look askance at; disavow; repudiate)
🔗 The emergence of a church independent of Moscow has infuriated Putin, who has made restoration of the so‐called “Russian world” a centrepiece of his foreign policy and has dismissed Ukrainian national identity as illegitimate.

dismiss something with zich van iets afmaken met
dismiss afdanken; afpoeieren; afwijzen; afzetten; inrukken; laten gaan; laten inrukken; laten varen; ontslaan; ontzetten; seponeren; uitsluiten; van zich afzetten; verwerpen; wegzenden; zich afmaken van