Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord be sharp!

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(lurid; keen; poignant; waspish; pungent; acrimonious)
🔗 European spindle wood is very hard, and can be cut to a sharp point
(exactly; promptly; punctually; regularly; precisely); ;
(number sign; grid; hash; pound sign)
(exactly; accurately; faithfully; narrowly; precisely);
(nasty; racy)
(strict; austere; hard; harsh; stern; tough; bad; severe); ; ;
(trenchant); ;
(sharp‐toned; shrill; snappy; tard)
🔗 Nai the Hever’s voice became suddenly sharp.
🔗 The scenes of people greeting Ukrainian troops across the region are in sharp contrast to claims by Russian‐appointed officials in Cherson six weeks ago that 87% of voters there supported integration into the Russian Federation, in a referendum widely condemned by the international community as an illegal sham.

be sharp! maak voort!; schiet op!
sharp bijtend; bits; gauw; gehaaid; geslepen; gewiekst; gis; hevig; kruis; link; op de penning; oplichten; pittig; precies; puntig; schel; scherp; scherpsnijdend; scherpzinnig; slim; snel; snijdend; snugger; spits; steil; sterk; verhogingsteken; vinnig; vlijmend; vlug