Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord after a fashion

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
🔗 Two naval ships rescued hundreds of people stranded on a beach after fire encircled the town of Mallacoota in Victoria.
(according to; by; along; following; from; in accordance with; per);
(about; concerning; for; of; over; regarding; on; with; upon; in; as to; into; toward);
(rear; later; back)
(behind; abaft; in back of)
🔗 If you put the operator after the operand, it returns the original value of the operand (before the increment or decrement).
(past; in; upon)
🔗 After the release pf PHP 3, usage really started to take off.
(vogue; mode; style)
(form; shape; configure; frame; mould)
(habit; practice; wont)
(manner; mode; way; bearing; style);
🔗 In this fashion did Turjan enter his apprenticeship to Pandelume.

after a fashion tot op zekere hoogte
after achter; achterna; achter‐; daarna; erna; later; na; naar; nadat; nagerecht; op; toch
fashion bewerken; fatsoen; fatsoeneren; manier; mode; modelleren; pasklaar maken; snit; trant; vorm; vormen; wijze