Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord accurate

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(precise; exact; faithful; strict); ;
🔗 The numbers that we are showing are accurate.
(exactitude; precision);
(exactness; precision; exactitude)
🔗 If you need more accuracy or a wider range of integer values, you can use the BC or GMP extensions.
(exactitude; exactness; rightness)
(exactly; sharp; faithfully; narrowly; precisely)
(appropriately; graphically; relevantly)
(exactly; just; okay; right; correctly; precisely; aright; properly); ; ; ;

accurate accuraat; nauwgezet; nauwkeurig; nauwlettend; secuur; stipt; trefzeker
accuracy accuratesse; nauwgezetheid; nauwkeurigheid; nauwlettendheid; stiptheid
accurately nauwgezet; nauwkeurig; secuur; stipt
inaccurate inaccuraat; onjuist; onnauwkeurig; onzorgvuldig