Engels–Nederlands woordenboek

Nederlandse vertaling van het Engelse woord King’s evidence

Engels → Nederlands
EngelsNederlands (indirect vertaald)Esperanto
(certificate; testimony; certification; reference); ;
🔗 Important evidence of this is provided by the two great Indian epics, the Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyaṇa.
(demonstrate; exhibit; manifest); ; ; ;
(proof; token)
🔗 There is however no evidence of the existence of such a person, and condoms had been used for over one hundred years before King Charles II ascended to the throne.
🔗 There is absolutely no evidence of this happening.

King’s evidence kroongetuige
evidence aantonen; bewijs; bewijsmateriaal; bewijsmiddel; bewijsstuk; bewijzen; getuigen van; getuigenis; getuigenverklaring; klaarblijkelijkheid; tonen; verklaring