Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord win hands down

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(labourer; operative; worker; working man; workman)
🔗 Scales laid a hand on his shoulder.
(convey; hand over; pass; assign; deliver; transmit; transfer; turn over)
(veteran; ex‐serviceman)
(gain; profit; accrue)
🔗 He won’t win endorsement by claiming prudence.
🔗 If Biden wins Pennsylvania, he would win the presidency.
🔗 In Michigan, a state judge rejected a request by two poll challengers to block the certification of the results that showed Biden’s win in the heavily Democratic area of Detroit and denied a request for an audit of the election.
🔗 Yes, Labour didn’t win the election.

win hands down fluit‐fluit wen
hand aangee; aanreik; applous; beurt; bos; greep; hand; handskrif; handtekening; help; hulp; kaarte; kant; matroos; met die hande bewerk; oorhandig; reef; reik; skouerstuk; skrif; sy; toereik; vasmaak; werkkrag; werkman; werksman; wyser
win behaal; bereik; dop; oorwinning; sukses; verdien; wen; win