Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord sideways

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(aspect; flank)
🔗 As Rand watched his side of the road, the feeling grew in him that he was being watched.
(acclivity; hillside; slope; declivity; gradient; slant)
(party; camp; faction)
🔗 China has reliably backed Russia in opposing US condemnation of the Ukraine invasion in international forums, but says it will not provide arms to either side in the war.
🔗 So if there are conditions coming from the British side which we cannot accept, then we will go on our own way without an exit agreement.
(alongside; beside; next to; adjacent to; on the side of)
🔗 He was standing sideways to her.
(manner; mode; bearing; fashion; style);
🔗 There’s just no way.
(route; course; passage; pathway; road)
🔗 She walked the rest of the way at a dignified pace.
(custom; mores; usage)
🔗 Many ways were different in Shienar from what he was used to, and there were some to which he would never become accustomed if he lived for ever.

sideways sydelings
side aanstellings; flank; helling; kant; party kies; rand; sy
way gang; gebruik; geleentheid; gewoonte; manier; pad; rigting; snelheid; tak; trant; weg; wyse