Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord run one’s head against a stone wall

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 She almost took my head off.
(direct; guide; manage; steer; conduct; drive; lead; refer; address)
(govern; restrain; cover; master; be in charge; be in charge of; be at the head of)
🔗 The most obvious recent example is the president’s nomination of Budi Gunawan to head the national police.
(boss; chief; leader; governor; master; prefect)
🔗 Inflation in Russia could reach between 17% and 20% this year, Aleksej Kudrin, the head of Russia’s audit chamber, said on Wednesday.
(boss; chief; leader; headman; kingpin)
🔗 Ukrainians have now largely turned their backs on the Russian Orthodox Church whose head patriarch Kirill has backed the invasion.
(expand; extend; range; reach; stretch; spread)
(function; operate; work; perform; act)
🔗 Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept.
(file; line; rank; row; queue; round; sequence; bank; string)
(flow; stream);
🔗 However, the Yellow River, a major river which runs through Lánzhōu, has not been contaminated, Xīnhuá said.
🔗 We have to run.
🔗 But now general Gerasimov has to run a real war.
🔗 Talking to him is like talking to a wall.

run one’s head against a stone wall jou kop teen ’n muur stamp
head aantal; aanvoer; afwend; beeldenaar; bestuurder; bopunt; borsbeeld; bos; bo‐aan staan; bron; brughoof; deksel; die hoof bied aan; die kop afsny; dop; eerste wees; gerig wees na; gewei; hoof; hoofman; kaap; kap; kapsel; knop; knot; koers vat na; kop; kop aan maak; kophare; koppenent; krop; kruin; laat koers neem; lei; leier; met die kop stamp; myngang; oorsprong; oortref; optrek; posseël; prinsipaal; room; rubriek; skuim; stoomdruk; string; struik; stuk; top; trop; van ’n opskrif voorsien; verstand; voorstewe
run aanloop; aanvraag; afloop; agtervolg; bestorming; bestuur; deining; deurbreék; deurbréék; draai; draf; dryf; drywe; etter; geldig wees; geloop; hardloop; hoenderkampie; hol; hê; kampie; klim; kruip; laat loop; laat skiet; lek; loop; lopie; luggang; lê; meeding; najaag; oorloop; opstel; rye; ryg; seil; skif; smelt; smokkel; steek; stoom; stoot; stroom; stryk; tipe; toeloop; toggie; trek; uitstappie; vaar; vaart; vervloei; vervolg; vloei; vrye toegang; wedloop; wegloop; weiveld
wall bemuur; muur; ommuur; wal; wand; ’n muur bou om