Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord orthographical rule

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
orthographical rule
(spelling rule; orthographic rule)
(control; reign; governance; regulation; ruling; ascendancy; ascendance)
🔗 Most people we spoke to accepted the army takeover that has almost—but not quite yet—put an end to the 37‐year rule of president Mugabe.
(govern; reign; be in power)
🔗 Still, we can rule in tandem as equals.
🔗 The rules for pronunciation of letters are not the same in Danish as in English.

orthographical rule spelreël
orthographical ortografies; spelling‐; spel‐
rule bepaling; bestuur; bewind; duimstok; gesag; heers; lewensreël; liniaal; linieer; maatstaf; maatstok; regeer; regering; reël; stelreël; uitmaak; uitspraak; verordening; voorskrif; ’n lyn trek