Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord one man’s loss is another man’s gain

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(win; profit; accrue)
(acquire; get; obtain; secure; impetrate);
(attain; get; reach; arrive at)
🔗 On Guyal’s arm he tottered forward, and with Shierl close at their heels they gained the gallery.
🔗 Finland gained independence from Russia in 1917 and fought two wars against it during World War Two during which it lost some territory.
🔗 True, they gained by the sword a wide empire, but they held it by their genius for administration.
(toll; write‐off; wastage)
🔗 We have suffered a loss!
🔗 That’s a loss of £ 65 billion to the economy.
🔗 Trump’s loss has been reaffirmed by courts and state election officials dozens of times since the election.

one man’s loss is another man’s gain die een se dood is die ander se brood
gain aanwins; baat; behaal; bereik; opdoen; profyt; verdien; verkry; verwerf; voordeel; voordeel trek; wen; win; wins
loss derwing; nadeel; ondergang; skade; skadepos; verlies