Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord one beats the bush and another catches the bird

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(hit; strike; wallop; jab; belabour; belt)
🔗 His promiscuity ended up being his demise however after a husband caught his wife in bed with John XII and beat the pope so badly, that he died three days later from his injuries.
(curl; froth; stir; whip; whirl; whisk)
(defeat; win over; overcome; surmount; vanquish; get the better of)
🔗 If we can beat you here, we can beat you anywhere.
(tack; tack about; beat up against the wind)
🔗 He would take the form of a bird and fly down.
🔗 Police say the victim, in her late teens, was dragged into bushes before being raped in a “horrific attack” that occurred in Bromley, south east London.
(grapple; captivate; grab; seize; trap; apprehend; bag; grasp; snare)
🔗 He catches the helmet, which now has over 20 holes in it, and gives it back to George.
(hit; strike; attain; encounter; find; run up against; befall; betide; ravage)
(realize; understand; appreciate; apprehend; comprehend; fathom);
(have; receive; get);
🔗 In years of high roe‐deer densities, the wolves still preferred to catch wild boar.

one beats the bush and another catches the bird die perd wat die are verdien, kry die strooi; die perd wat die hawer verdien, kry die strooi
beat aanklop; aanklots; afklop; beuk; bons; déúrsoek; jagveld; klap; klits; klop; klots; kneus; laat klink; maatslag; pak gee; patrollie; polsslag; ritme; roer; roffel; ronde; rondgang; slaan; slag; striem; strop; teen die wind seil; tik; uitklop; uitstof; vel; wen; wiks; wyk
bird nooi; voël
bush bos; bossie; bossing; bosveld; bus; haarbos; met struike beplant; naafbus; ruig groei; struik; ’n bus insit
catch aanwins; afkom op; beetpak; besmetlik wees; betrap; beurtsang; brokstuk; buit; gewilde ding; gewilde persoon; greep; gryp; haak; haal; inhaal; klink; knip; opvang; raak; raakslaan; snap; strikvraag; trek; vang; vanghou; vangs; vat; voordeel