Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord just there

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(only; but; as little as)
🔗 But Michigan’s just the first part of Trump’s puzzle.
(exactly; okay; right; accurately; correctly; precisely; aright; properly)
🔗 That’s just what I was thinking to myself, Huck.
(just now; newly; a minute ago)
(merely; only)
🔗 It’s just a flesh wound.
(but; merely; only; simply; solely)
🔗 Just keep out of our way.
(that way; thither; to that place)
🔗 If I want something I go there.
(yon; yond)
🔗 Who goes there?

just there net daar
just billik; bloot; daarewe; eenvoudig; effens; effentjies; flus; flussies; juis; net; nou net; onpartydig; op die kop; presies; regverdig; so pas; sommer; welverdiend
there aldaar; daar; daarheen; daarnatoe; daarso; daarvandaan; op daardie punt; soheen; soontoe; vandaar