Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord hold the centre of the stage

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(average; mean; middle; midst)
🔗 Inside, baggage was piled in the centre of the floor.
🔗 It would, of course, be difficult to accomplish this without attracting the attention of the guards, and there was a possibility that the centre pole might be set sufficiently far in the ground to render it impossible for him to raise it.
🔗 In April, Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarskij was killed in an explosion at a cafe in the centre of Saint Petersbug, where he was appearing as a guest of a pro‐war group.
🔗 However, the most distinctive feature of Peking, which has decisively affected the formation of Peking’s new middle class, is its peculiar position as China’s political and administrative centre.
🔗 Through it the white man could see the rough sides of the fissure extending to the level of the next terrace and he knew that the next stage of the descent was already as good as an accomplished fact.
(station; stop; terminal)

hold the centre of the stage alle aandag trek
centre as; hart; hartlyn; hoof; hoofkantoor; kern; middel; middelpunt; op een punt saamtrek; senter; sentreer; sentrum; spil; vormboë
stage ensceneer; fase; graad; halte; op die planke bring; op die toneel bring; opvoer; skof; stadium; steier; stellasie; toneel; trajek; trap; trek