Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord halt between two opinions

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(come to a halt; stop; stall; come to rest; come to a standstill);
🔗 He halted before her.
(stop; end; hold; obstruct; stem; stay; stall; arrest)
🔗 At a tall booth Kerlin halted the cage of light.
(stop; discontinue; end; lift; prorogue; quell; staunch; cease; abate)
(contention; sentiment; stand; view; viewpoint)
🔗 At the first difference of opinion the armies might well overcome the diplomats.

halt between two opinions op twee gedagtes hink
halt halt; halt maak; halte; hink; mank; stilhouplek; stilstaan; stilstand; tot stilstand bring; tot stilstand dwing; weifel
opinion advies; denkbeeld; denkwyse; dunk; gedagte; gevoel; goeddunke; mening; oordeel; opinie; sienswyse