Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord fire‐master

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(discharge; dismiss; sack; oust; remove; expel; jilt; bounce; chuck; ditch; give the push; send packing; give the sack; give the boot; give the mitten);
🔗 Pressman said in a statement that it is clear he was fired for testifying in the impeachment probe.
(discharge; dismiss; sack; retrench; lay off);
🔗 But the reason the first lady asked for Mira to be fired was that the first lady believed she was a bully.
(firing; gun‐fire; shooting; fusillade)
🔗 North of Mariupol, and near the Russian border, the city of Kharkiv has come under heavy Russian fire.
(outbreak of fire; blaze)
🔗 Since September, fires in Australia have killed at least 23 people.
🔗 Anyone who masters the contents of this book in six months has every reason to be satisfied with his achievement.
(lord; boss)
(govern; restrain; cover; head; be in charge; be in charge of; be at the head of)
(boss; chief; leader; governor; head; prefect)
(instructor; teacher)

fire‐master brandweerhoof
fire aan die brand steek; aansteek; aanvuur; aanwakker; afdank; afskiet; bak; brand; branderigheid; die trekpas gee; drif; droog; gloed; hartstog; koors; kwaad word; laat gloei; laat ontvlam; losbrand; ontbrand; ontslaan; ontsteek; skietery; stook; uitskop; vat; verbrand; vlam; vurigheid; vuur; vuur skiet; ywer
master aanleer; baas; baas wees oor; baasraak; beheer; bobaas; gesagvoerder; gesinshoof; hoof‐; huisheer; huisvader; in bedwang hou; jongeheer; jongheer; kaptein; magister; meester; meester word; onderwyser; oormeester; oorwen; oorwin; skipper; tem; vernaamste; weesheer; werkgewer