Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord expel from

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(chase away; drive away; repel; drive)
(discharge; dismiss; fire; sack; oust; remove; jilt; bounce; chuck; ditch; give the push; send packing; give the sack; give the boot; give the mitten);
🔗 It passed with the support of former Conservatives that Johnson himself expelled from the party, and the Northern Irish DUP.
(draw out; drive out; utter; output; release; vent; void; issue; get out; give vent to);
🔗 Poland’s decision to expel the diplomats follows similar decisions in the Baltic states and Bulgaria.

expel from sit uit
expel sjees; uitbesem; uitboender; uitjaag; uitsit; uitskop; uitstoot; uitwerp; verban; verdryf; verdrywe; wegjaag