Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord enter the church

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 I brought the book with me to church the following Sunday and asked my teachers if they knew anything about the enigmatic symbols.
🔗 Rather than dissolve, the church continued to grow.
(come into; come in)
(participate; take part in)
🔗 Juncker also reiterated that the EU would not enter any more negotiations with the British prime minister.

enter the church predikant word
church dank bring in die kerk; godshuis; kerk
enter aangaan; aanknoop; aanteken; betree; betrek; binnegaan; binnekom; binneloop; byhou; déúrdring; ingaan; inskryf; inskrywe; intree; registreer