Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord drop‐end

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(fall; lapse)
🔗 Hotel room reservations from the Russian market have already dropped by 70% for this high season.
(decrease; diminish; fall; reduce; shrink; dwindle; ease)
(fall; lapse)
(lower; lay in rest)
(annul; cancel; lift; nullify; rescind)
(abatement; decrease; diminishment)
🔗 In 2020 alone, Cuba’s economy shrank by 11 percent, the largest drop since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
(finish; terminate; conclude; bring to an end; put the kibosh on; put an end to; have finished)
(come to an end; end up; expire; conclude; finish; draw to a close; draw to an end)
🔗 When will this end?
(ending; conclusion; finish; termination)
🔗 The open brace is matched by a closing brace at the end of the programme.
(aim; goal; purpose; target; butt; intent; objective; destination; object);
🔗 To attain his end it was necessary that I be destroyed.
(halt; stop; hold; obstruct; stem; stay; stall; arrest);
(boundary; frontier; border; perimeter)
(cease; stop; quit; leave off)
(stop; discontinue; halt; lift; prorogue; quell; staunch; cease; abate)

drop‐end klap‐op
drop‐end truck agterklaplorrie
drop afname; afstap van; agteruítgang; bedaar; daal; drop; drup; druppel; hondebloed; kalf; klontjie; laat vaar; laat val; lam; loonsvermindering; neerval; oorbel; ophou; prysdaling; sak; skepskop; snapsie; sopie; val; valdeur; valluik; verval
end aan ’n ent kom; afloop; beëindig; doel; einde; eindig; eindpunt; ent; entjie; oogmerk; ophou met; punt; puntjie; slot; uiteinde; uitloop