Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord court

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(courtyard; yard; patio)
(court of law)
🔗 Such punishments have little practical effect as Chinese courts do not have jurisdiction in Taiwan, whose government rejects Běijīng’s sovereignty claims.
(action; hearing; suit; trial)
🔗 The “letter of formal notice” could eventually lead to a court case against the UK at the European Court of Justice, the EU’s top court.
court of law
🔗 The Maldives government has ordered the security forces to resist any move by the supreme court to arrest or impeach president Abdulla Yameen.
(polite; well‐mannered; urbane); ; ;
🔗 His conversation was courteous.
(court; yard; patio)
🔗 He could easily see over the heads of most of them, enough to make out clearly what was going on in the courtyard.

court aanlê by; baan; binneplaas; die hof maak; draai; geregshof; hof; hofhouding; hofsaal; koudlei; landdroshof; magistraatshof; opsit; soek; soetlandsit; speelveld; verlok; vlerksleep; voorplein; vry na; weglok
appellate court appèlhof
centre court middelbaan
circuit court rondgaande hof
clerk of the court hofgriffier
court case hofsaak; regsgeding
court chancellor hofkanselier
court chaplain hofkapelaan; hofprediker
court circular hofberig
court clique hofkliek
court danger gevaar trotseer
court day hofdag
court disaster gevaar trotseer; rampspoed soek; roekeloos wees
court etiquette hofetiket
court fool hofnar
court hairdresser hofkapper
court lady hofdame
court life hoflewe
court messenger geregsbode
court of appeal hof van appèl
court of equity vredegerig
court official hofbeampte
court of honour ereraad
court of inquiry hof van ondersoek
court of justice geregshof; regbank
court physician hofarts
court plaster trekpleister
court retinue hofstoet
court roll sakerol
court shoe hofskoen
court term hoftermyn
fast court harde baan
go to court ’n hofsaak maak
high court hooggeregshof
hold court hof hou
inferior court laerhof
inner court binnehof
laugh out of court belaglik maak
law court geregsaal; geregshof; regbank
magistrate’s court hof; magistraatskantoor
out of court buite die geregshof; buite geding
pay court die hof maak
regional court streekhof
registrar of the court griffier
rule out of court van die hand wys; wraak
settle out of court buite die regbank om reël; in der minne skik; skik
single court enkelbaan
superior court hoër hof
supreme court hooggeregshof
tennis court tennisbaan
term of court hoftermyn
court‐card prentkaart
courteous beleef; beleefd; beskaaf; galant; heus; hoflik; hups; wellewend
courtesy beleefdheid; buiging; galanterie; heusheid; hoflikheid; hupsheid; pligpleging; tegemoetkomendheid; wellewendheid
court‐house landdroskantoor
courtier howeling
courtly elegant; hoflik
court‐martial krygsraad; voor die krygsraad bring
courtroom hofsaal; regsaal
courtship hofmakery; vryery
courtyard agterplaas; binneplaas
police‐court magistraatshof
service‐court afslaanbaan
water‐court waterhof