Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord bring into play

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(fetch; fetch and carry; retrieve)
🔗 They have brought a ram.
(convey; supply; bring by vehicle)
(send for; get; fetch)
🔗 Mazirian brought him close to earth.
(fetch; get; pick up)
(conduct; guide; lead; channel; wage; drive; show; usher)
🔗 Bring her to me.
(cause; give rise to; provoke; result in; inflict; wreak)
🔗 Pounding on the door brought only a single shout from the mayor.
(theatre play; piece)
(introduce; present; offer; perform; reenact; render; represent; constitute; tender; lodge; serve up)
🔗 So he played with him every time he got a chance.
🔗 Climate change is definitely playing a rôle in the high temperatures that Argentina and other countries in the region are currently experiencing.

bring into play aan die gang sit
bring aanbring; aanvoer; bring; opbring; saambring; veroorsaak
play baljaar; bespeel; korswel; laat speel; opvoer; opvoering; rats hanteer; speel; speelruimte; spel; speling; stuk; toneelopvoering; toneelstuk; uithaal; vermaak; vertolk; vertoon