Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord bear in mind

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
(give birth to; farrow; beget; give birth)
🔗 The moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the girl who should bear my sons.
(produce; yield);
(endure; put up with; suffer; sustain; ail)
🔗 I can’t bear to watch.
🔗 Local police said the bear attacked three men, one of whom was seriously injured, and a woman in her 80s, according to NHK.
🔗 Also she had observed that some of the horses bore riders.
🔗 He bore her up the stone stairs.
🔗 They exist only in your mind.
(observe; comply; mark; respect; watch; abide by)

bear in mind gedenk; goed onthou; in gedagte hou; onthou
bear aanhou; baar; beer; besit; brommerige kêrel; deurstaan; dra; draag; druk; duld; gedra; gee; lomperd; op ’n daling spekuleer; spekulant‐op‐daling; stut; tors; uitstaan; veel; verdra; verdraag; voer; voortbring
mind bedink; doel; gedagte; gees; gemoed; gesindheid; gevoelens; herinner; herinnering; lus; mening; neiging; omgee; oplet; oppas; siel; sin; sorg vir; sorge; steur; sôre; verstand; voornemens; wil