Engels–Afrikaanse woordeboek

Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse woord airport

Engels → Afrikaans
EngelsAfrikaans (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
🔗 Kyselivka is about 12 kilometres from Cherson’s airport, which has been used as a command post and base by Russian forces.
(impression; aura; impress)
🔗 There had been an indefinable air of satisfaction in the swing of her arms and the poise of her head.
🔗 The searches in Delhi and Muṃbaī had come weeks after the broadcaster aired a documentary in the UK critical of Mr. Modī’s rôle in the 2002 Gujarat riots.
(harbour; haven)
🔗 Novorossijsk, near the Russian city of Krasnodar, is Russia’s largest port by volume of cargo handled and is a base for Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

airport lughawe; vliegveld
emergency airport noodlughawe
air aria; droogmaak; gedrag; houding; lied; lug; lug gee aan; lugwind‐; melodie; uit; uitdamp; uiter; voorkome; voorkomste; windjie; wysie
port bakboord; hawe; hawestad; houding; ingang; na bakboord stuur; patryspoort; poort; portwyn; skuins teen die lyf hou; voorkome