Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord maat

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
; ;
🔗 Die vrou wat God gemaak het, was presies reg om Adam se maat te wees.
🔗 In die Paarl sal dit Donderdag ’n matige 22°C wees, waarna die kwik Sondag tot 29°C sal styg.

maat associate; bar; buddy; butty; chum; companion; compeer; comrade; consort; cully; fellow; friend; gauge; mate; maty; measure; measurement; mete; pal; pard; partner; rhythm; size; tempo; time; yoke‐fellow; yokemate
by die groot maat koop buy in bulk
die maat aangee give the beat; mark the time; set the pace; time
die maat slaan beat time
Jan Rap en sy maat the ragtag and bobtail; canaille; proletariat; hoi polloi; raff; riff‐raff; tagrag and bobtail; Tom, Dick and Harry; all the world and his wife
maats maak chum; make friends; mate; pal up
maats maak met chum up with
met mate in moderation
met twee mate meet make fish of one and flesh of the other; make fish of one and fowl of the other; measure by two standards; be unjust
na mate in proportion to
op maat gemaak made to measure; made to order
sy maat is vol his cup is full
volle maat full measure
bakmaat messmate
binnemaat inside measurement
bomaats oversize
borsmaat chest‐measurement; girth
buitemaat outside measurement; outsize
dansmaat partner
dermate in such a manner; to such an extent
dieptemaat depth‐gauge
digmaat measure; metre
draadmaat wire‐gauge
driekwartsmaat three‐four time
drieslagsmaat triple time
drinkmaat pot‐companion
droëmaat dry measure
duimmaat inch‐tape
eenheidsmaat module
gelykmatig commensurate; equable; even; level; regular; steady
inhoudsmaat measure of capacity; unit of volume
kalibermaat hole‐gauge
kamermaat room‐mate
kettingmaat chainage
klasmaat class‐mate; class‐fellow
koksmaat cook’s mate
landmaat land‐measure
lengtemaat linear dimension; long measure; lineal measure; linear measure
lidmaat member; parishioner; fellow
maatband measuring‐tape; tape
maatbeker measuring jug
maateenheid unit of measurement
maatemmer measure
maatgrafie measuring‐scoop
maatkolf graduated flask; measuring flask; volumetric flask
maatlepel measuring spoon
maatlys size‐roll
maatmotief phrase
maatneem measuring
maatnemer measurer
maatskap comradeship
maatslag beat; tact
maatslaner modulator
maatsmakerig maty
maatstaf criterion; measure; rate; mete; module; scale; rule; standard
maatstok dip‐stick; gauge; rule; size stick; surveyor’s rod; yard‐measure; yardstick
mateloos excessive; immoderate; measureless
matig abate; abstemious; abstentious; abstinent; allay; alloy; attemper; mild; moderate; chasten; continent; modate; mitigate; relax; temper; frugal; gentle; moderately; modest; modify; qualify; sober; soften; slow; spare; temperate
oefenmaat sparring‐partner
oormaat excess; nimiety; over‐measure
reismaat travelling‐companion
ringmaat ring‐gauge
rolmaat tape‐measure; tape‐line
ruimtemaat cubic measure
rysmaat rice‐measure
sakkerollersmaat stall
skeepsmaat shipmate
skermmaat sparring‐partner
skoolmaat fellow student; schoolmate; school‐fellow; schoolfriend
speekmaat spoke‐gauge
speelmaat playfellow; playmate
speermaat calliper‐gauge
spoormaat rail gauge
stalmaat stable‐companion; stablemate
standaardmaat standard gauge
tafelmaat messmate; trencher companion
tennismaat partner
tonmaat tonnage
trippelmaat triple time
vakmaat craft brother
versmaat metre
vierkantsmaat square measure
vierkwartmaat quadruple rhythm
vlakmaat superficial dimension
vlaktemaat square measure; superficial measure; surface‐measure
voetmaat foot
vogmaat liquid measure
voorraadmaat stock size
werkmaat work‐fellow
ykmaat gauge