Afrikaans–Engelse woordeboek

Engelse vertaling van die Afrikaanse woord af

Afrikaans → Engels
AfrikaansEngels (onregstreeks vertaal)Esperanto
de sur
🔗 Max draf die trappies af en kom maak vir haar die deur oop.
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🔗 As hulle skuldig bevind word, sal hulle ook afgedank word.
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🔗 Die wêreld se grootste platinumprodusent, Anglo Platinum, het Vrydag gesê dat hy 12 000 werkers wat aan ’n drie week lange onwettige staking deelneem, afgedank het, het Fin24 berig.
🔗 Maar slegs enkele maande nadat hy die ampseed afgelê het, het hy in 1961 ten gunste van sy visepresident Joāo Goulart afgedank.
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🔗 Aangesien daar egter geen prosedure was om die wette af te dwing nie, is hulle nie nagekom nie.
🔗 Ek dink nie Tinus het al vandag sy oë van jou afgehaal nie.
🔗 Mealamu het gesê hy wil nie oor die voorval praat nie, maar is tevrede dat dit afgehandel is.
🔗 Mark Zuckerberg, uitvoerende hoof van Meta, het Donderdagaand gesê daar is reeds meer as 10 miljoen gebruikers wat binne enkele ure sy nuwe app en Twitter‐mededinger, Threads, afgelaai ḥet.
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🔗 In die laaste tweehonderd jaar het die gebruik van Frans egter sterk afgeneem.
🔗 Sy het die vreemde toneel afgeneem.
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🔗 Toe hy Flavianus van Konstantinopel en Eusebius van Dorileum daarna wou afsit, het sommige biskoppe en ’n afgesant van die pous (sy latere opvolger, Hilarius) beswaar gemaak.
switch off
🔗 Arestovyč sê wel die vernietiging kon veel erger gewees het aangesien baie van die missiele afgeskiet is.
(gebeur; plaasvind)
🔗 Mites speel af in die vroegste tye en bepaal die patroon vir die siklusse van die hede.
(dood; sterfte)
🔗 Ten tyde van sy onlangse afsterwe het 11 van hulle nog gelewe, berig die Oegandese koerant New Vision.
🔗 Sy het in Januarie afgetree nadat sy 20 jaar in die egpaar se huis gewerk het.

af broken; completed; down; exit; finished; from; off; perfect; perfected
af en toe now and again; few and far between; occasional; now and then; occasionally; off and on; once in a while
af wees have been completed
heeltemal af wees be quite exhausted
iemand te glad af wees be one too many for somebody
iemand te gou af wees be to quick for somebody
op die dag af to the very day
op en af up and down
sleg af badly off
so af en toe every now and then; on rare occasions
van drank af wees have given up drink
van iets af wees not be sure of something
afarm armless
afbaan mark out; mark off
afbaard burr; deburr; silk
afbabbel rattle off; talk a lot; chatter; babble
afbeeld delineate; depict; depicture; describe; draw; portray; figure; image; map; paint; picture; represent; type; typify
afbeitel chisel off
afbel ring off
afbeul fag; worry to death; slave; fag out
afbeur force away; force off
afbie haggle
afbiggel trickle down
afbind tie up; ligate; ligature
afblaar blister; exfoliate; husk
afboender drive down; chase down
afbons bang down; bounce down
afborsel brush up; dust; brush; brush off; rebuke
afbottel bottle
afbou stope; stoping; finish
afbruis roar down
afbuie bend down; deviate
afbuig bend down; deviate
afbuitel tumble down
afdank cashier; cast; disband; discard; discharge; disembody; dismiss; fire; fire out; give notice; pay off; retrench; throw onto the scrapheap; consign to the scrapheap; cast off
afdig close; seal
afdink think out; consider fully
afdobbel rob by gambling
afdoen complete; cover; dispatch; dispose of; expedite; finish; lay aside; take off; reduce; pay
afdop blister; peel; hull; shell; undress
afdra wear out; hand over; carry down; pay over
afdraad fence in; fence off; vine; string
afdraai branch off; screen; strip; furcate; lower; switch off; turn off; unreel; unwind; wind off; turn away; twist off; reel off; turn
afdraf trot off
afdrawwe trot off
afdreig extort; blackmail
afdreun rattle off
afdring push off; hustle off; force from
afdrink drink away; down; <drink as friends after a quarrel>
afdroog dry; wipe off; become dry; towel; wipe; wipe away
afdruip trickle down; fall in drops; go away stealthily; slink away
afdruis roar down
afdrup trickle down
afdruppel trickle down
afdryf drive down; drift off; blow over; float downstream; repulse; purge; liquate; refine; sag; drive away; leeway; abort
afdrywe drive down; drift off; blow over; float downstream; repulse; purge; liquate; refine; leeway; sag; drive away; abort
afduik dive down
afduiwel fall down; tumble off; fall off
afdwaal stray; deviate; digress; divagate; err; gad; lose the thread; ramble; swerve; wander; aberrate
afdwarrel whirl down
afdweil mop
afdwing buzz; compel; constrain; extort; enforce; exact; wrest from; wring; force from; command
afeet pick; eat off; browse
afeg harrow away
afeis demand
afent graft on; inoculate on
affeil scrub
affutsel cheat out of
afgee emit; give forth; give off; issue; send forth; send out; shed; deliver; hand over; be deprived of; come off; give out; mingle with; result in; cause; give away
afgespe unbuckle; unclasp
afgiet cast; mould; strain off; pour off; pour down
afglip slip down
afglooi slope down
afgly slide; slide off; slip; slip down; glide down; slide down
afgoël obtain by trickery
afgooi decant; dump; fling; throw; unhorse; unseat; throw down; cast off; slip; fling aside
afgord unbuckle; lay aside
afgraaf dig down; level
afgraas graze away
afgrawe dig down; level
afgrens mark out; delimit
afgrou speak rudely to; snarl at
afgryp grab; seize
afguts stream down
afhaal take off; collect; demount; dismount; doff; fetch down; strip; insult; meet; remove; take down; call for; string
afhaar depilate; silk; remove the hair
afhak chop off; lop off
afhandel finalize; dispatch; settle; terminate; bring to a close
afhang decline; depend; droop; fall; hang down; hinge; lop; reach down
afhap bite off
afhardloop run down
afhark rake away
afhaspel rattle off; bungle
afhê complete; finish; reduce
afheg cast off; finish
afheid finish; completeness
afhein fence in; fence off
afhel decline; dip; fall; slant; slope down
afhelp help down; rid
afhok separate; isolate; put in a pen; put in a kennel
afhol rush down; run down
afhou avert; downstroke; downthrow; fend off; keep away; withhold; keep off; keep from; hinder; deduct; cut off
afhys hoist down; lift off
afja chase off; force down; perform hurriedly; race over; run through; rush at; tear down
afjaag chase off; race over; run through; force down; rush at; perform hurriedly; tear down
afjaart measure off in yards
afjaarts measure off in yards
afjak belabour; chide; rating; rate; huff; rebuff; snub; scolding; scold
afjakker bungle; jade; worry to death; exhaust oneself; wear out
afkabbel wear away; wash away; burble along; purl along; ripple along
afkalf cave in; fall in
afkalwer cave in; fall in
afkam belittle; disparage; flay; pick to pieces; write down; comb off; run down
afkamp impark; pound; rail in; fence off
afkant bind off; chamfer; edge; bevel off
afkerf carve; carve off; cut; die
afkerwe carve; carve off; cut; die
afkeur animadvert; blame; cast; censure; condemn; denounce; denunciate; decry; deprecate; disallow; disapprove; disavow; discommend; regard with disfavour; find fault with; frown on; frown upon; scrap; preach down; veto; reject; discard
afklap slouch; pop off
afklink pop off; drink as friends after a quarrel
afklits shoot down
afkloof split
afklouter scramble; scramble down; climb down
afkluif pick; gnaw off
afkluiwe pick; gnaw off
afknaag fret; gnaw off; gnaw away
afknabbel browse; gnaw; browse on; gnaw away
afknak snap off; break off
afknap knap; snap
afknibbel gnaw off; haggle down
afknip lop; put out; snip; switch out; cut off; snip off; clip off; die
afknou bully; hurt; manhandle; play roughly with
afknyp poll; pinch off; shoot; scrape up; cut down by; economize
afkoel anneal; chill; cool; cool down; calm down; moderate; refrigerate
afkom come down; descend; issue; light; reduce; walk down; come off; get rid of; meet unexpectedly; strike
afkoop buy off; compound; redeem; ransom; pay out; surrender; buying off; redemption
afkorrel pick off; aim; measure
afkou chew off
afkrap scrape away; scrape off; scratch away; scratch off; scribble down; scold
afkronkel wind down
afkrui trundle along; trundle down; trudge along
afkruip creep down; crawl down
afkrummel crumble off
afkuier visit; move slowly
afkwansel obtain in exchange
afkwyl dribble down
aflaai unload; discharge; download; set down; unpack; dump; disburden; pass on to
aflag laugh away; laugh off
aflê cover; discard; lay by; layer; get over; give; lay; lay aside; lay out; pay; take; travel; traverse; lay down; part with; pass
afleef live through
aflêer layer; dropper
afleer dishabituate; forget; unlearn; wean; cure of
aflees call over; read out; call out; reading
aflei call off; conclude; conduct; deduce; derive; distract; divert; drain; draw off; educe; evolve; gather; induce; infer; lead down
aflek lick; trickle down
aflewer deliver; hand over
aflig lift off; light down; free from
afloer spy; spy on; watch
aflok entice away
afloop conclusion; denouement; decline; ebb; end; ending; event; eventuate; expiration; expire; expiry; measure; terminate; foot; gully; gutter; issue; lapse; result; run; run out; run down; run‐off; slant; speen; turn out; walk down; slope; speening; flow; deviate; loot; wear out; launch; follow a course at
aflos clear; relieve; redeem; discharge; relay; spell; pay
aflui ring off
afluister eavesdrop; overhear
afmaai mow; cut down; cut off
afmaak destroy; finish; grate; kill; kill off; maul; shell; write down; finish off; thresh; bring to a conclusion; remove; scrape off; settle; do away with
afmaal blazon; grind
afmarsjeer file off; march off
afmartel torture; torment; worry; fret
afmat fag; exhaust; fatigue; override; travail; harass; tire; tire out; trash; wear down; weary
afmeet apportion; gauge; mensurate; proportion; sizing; span; measure off
afmerk reduce; measure; measure off
afmoor exhaust oneself
afmuur separate by means of a wall
afnael run off; run away
afneem administer; clear; conduct; cut; decrease; ebb; ebb away; take off; photograph; reach down; remit; shoot; snap; snapshot; wane; withdraw; take from; take down; remove; deprive of; shrink; take a photo; administer to; become shorter; be on the wane
afnerf thrash; peel off the outer skin
afnommer number off
afnooi invite down
afoes reap; harvest
afpaal define; delimit; peg out; stake out; fence in
afpaar pair off; stake
afpak unload; unpack
afpalm fob
afpas apportion; count; measure
afpatrolleer patrol
afpeil fathom; gauge
afpel shell; peel
afpen lay out; peg; peg off
afperk enclose; limit; shut off; fence in
afpers blackmail; extort; exact; force from; rack; rook; screw; wrest from; rack off; exact from; draw
afpeul shell
afpeusel pick at
afpiekel saunter; saunter along; carry down; drag down
afpik peck off
afplat bevel; flatten
afpleister plaster; cover with plaster
afploeg plough off; finish ploughing
afplof tumble down
afplooi pleat
afpluis pick off; give off
afpluk gather; pick off; rip off; whip off; pull down
afpomp pump down
afprewel mumble; mutter
afpulwer crumble
afpynig torture; rack
afrafel ravel out
aframmel patter; prattle; rattle; rattle off; reel off
afrand edge; skirt; edge off
afransel bang; belabour; belt; curry; ding; cudgel; lick; pepper; flog; horsewhip; lace; larrup; lather; punish; spiflicate; strap; swinge; swish; switch; tan; thrash; thresh; thwack; trounce; wallop
afraspe rasp off
afrasper rasp off
afraster rail off
afratel gabble; rattle off
afreën get washed of by the rain; rain down
afreken pay; settle; get even; deduct; pay off old scores; wipe off old scores; square up
afrem apply brakes; pull down; tire out
afrig break; break in; coach; dress; drill; exercise; form; prime; knock into shape; train; whip into shape; produce; turn away
afrits rattle off; break off
afrittel rattle off; gabble
afroei row down; row over
afroes rust away; rust off
afroffel rough‐plane; bungle; scold
afrokkel inveigle out of; juggle out of; coax away; wheedle away
afrol roll down; unroll; uncoil; lay out; cyclostyle; reel off; tumble down; unreel; unwind
afroom cream; skim
afros lick; thrash; thresh; wallop
afruim clear away; clear
afruk strip off; tear off; snatch away; pull down; march off
afry drive down; drive off; ride down; ride off; cover by riding; cover by driving
afrye unlace; unstring
afryg unlace; unstring
afsaag poll; saw off
afsaal bait; unsaddle; rest; off‐saddle; go courting
afsae poll; saw off
afsak lose caste; clarify; settle; sag; sheer; slip down; work down; sink; go down; float down; deteriorate; weaken
afseep clean with soap
afsend consign; dispatch
afsit amputate; cashier; defrock; degrade; depose; deprive; dethrone; discrown; disestablish; disfrock; dismiss; displace; face; supersede; guard; put off; remove from office; set; unfrock
afskaaf abrade; excoriate; pare; plane down; score; skive; skiving
afskadu adumbrate; silhouette
afskaf abolish; abrogate; abstain; annul; do away with; cut; disestablish; supersede; lay up; make away with; put down; rescind
afskakel switch off; change down; put out
afskeep ship forward; dispatch; do work in a ship‐shod manner; treat shabbily; skimp; scamp; slabber; slobber
afskeer shave; shave off; shear; graze off
afskei cave; comb out; dissent; dissever; educe; exude; excrete; partition; separate; secede; secern; secrete; segregate; sever; partition off; divide
afskep skim; scoop off
afskerm screen; shade; ward off; parry; bully
afskiet catapult; discharge; fire off; let fly; shoot; shoot down; fire; let off; shoot off
afskil decorticate; excoriate; husk; pare; peel; peel off; rind
afskilfer chip; desquamate; exfoliate; flake; flake off; peel; strip; peel off; scale; shell off
afskoffel hoe away; hoe off; dance
afskommel shake down; shake off; saunter along
afskop drop out; kick off; kick‐off; centre kick; kick down
afskort box; partition; screen off; partition off
afskot brattice; partition
afskraap excoriate; rasp; scrape down; scrape off; rasp off; rasp away
afskram deflect; glance; glance off; graze
afskrap scratch out; delete
afskreeu call out loudly; call down
afskrik aversion; daunt; deter; determent; discourage; dishearten; scare; frighten away; horror; terrify; scare away
afskroef unscrew; screw off
afskroei singe off
afskroewe unscrew; screw off
afskrop scrub off; scour off; scrub
afskub scale
afskuif exculpate; shear; slip off; push off; shove off; shuffle off; slide down
afskuim despumate; scum; skim
afskut partition off; screen off
afskuur abrade; buff; graze; scour off
afskyn shine; shine down
afskynsel reflection
afslaaf drudge; fag; slave; toil; wear out
afslag abatement; allowance; discount; excoriate; excoriation; flay; flench; flense; strip; rebate; reduction; skin; fall
afsleep put off; drag down
afslenter knock about; saunter along
afslib wash away
afslinger sling off; reel down; fling off; toss off; hurl off; branch off
afslof shuffle down; wear out
afslons wear out through slovenliness
afsluip slink down
afsluit balance; barrier; block; boycott; close; conclude; disconnect; effect; interlock; lock; rail in; seclude; shut; shut off; patrol; fence in; cut out; cut off; enter into; seclude oneself; cut oneself off
afsluk swallow down
afslyp grind away; grind off; polish
afslyt waste; fret; wear off; wear out
afsmeer fob; palm off on
afsmelt melt off; melt down
afsny amputate; cut off; chip; crop; cropping; curtail; cut; detruncate; dock; excise; foreclose; guillotine; pare; intercept; prescind; rescind; sever; slice; snip; truncate; whittle
afsonder appropriate; set apart; cloister; detach; detail; draught; earmark; insulate; separate; isolate; prescind; quarantine; secern; seclude; sequester; secrete; segregate; set off; sever
afspan unstring
afspat spit
afspeel enact; happen
afspieël glass; mirror; reflect
afspieëling reflection
afspoel bathe; wash; give a rinse; swill; wash down
afspons sponge; sponge down
afspreek arrange; settle; preconcert; tryst
afspuit hose down
afstaan bate; cede; resign; step down; yield
afstel abandonment; cancel; release; scratch
afstem blackball; tune; negative; reject; tune in; vote down
afstempel cancel; obliterate
afsterf estrange
afsterwe estrange; death
afstof clean down; dress down; dust; thrash; thresh
afstomp blunt; deaden; dull; stump; hebetate; truncate
afstorm rush down
afstort rush down
afstraal radiate; reflect
afstroop flay; strip; vine; ransack; shave; skim; stem; strip off
afstuur direct; dispatch; draught; expedite; forward; send; send down; sending
afsweer abjure; renounce; forswear; swear off
aftap drain; draw; rack; tap; trickle
aftik miss the mark; strike off; tick off; touch wood
aftob fag; fatigue
aftop lop; top
aftrap tramp
aftree abdicate; retire; resign; leave office; pace; step it out
aftrek abstract; pull off; deduct; subtract; demand; discharge; discount; distract; divert; pull down; trace; loose; market; press; recoup; beat a retreat; rip off
aftroggel entice away
aftrommel strum; thumb
aftuig unharness
afval apostasy; apostatize; defection; detritus; garbage; draff; drop away; dross; effluent; fall; fall down; fall off; fall‐out; raffle; scum; lose flesh; stuff; flotsam and jetsam; tripe; waste; foots; garble; offal; loppings; leavings; litter; scrap; recrement; refuse; rejectamenta; rubbish; scrapings; trash
afvee mop; scrape; wipe; wipe away; wipe off; wiping
afverg demand; exact; require
afverhuur sublet
afvoer abducent; conveyance; discharge; drain; drain away; drainage; eduction; exhaust; output
afvry oust
afvyl file off; file away
afwaai rush down
afwag abide; await; bide; lie doggo; wait
afwater drain
afweek unglue
afweer avert; counter; defence; fend; fend off; hive off; prevent; repel; ward off
afwei feed; depasture
afwen disaccustom; disuse; grow out of; unwind; wean
afwerk complete; dress; finish; finish off; trim; work through
afwerp cast; exuviate; throw off; yield
afwissel alternate; change; diversify; relay; relieve; vary; rotate; variegate
afwit whitewash
afwoel unwind
afwurg gulp down
afwyk deflect; decline; depart; deviate; digress; diverge; vary; incline; reflect; sheer away; swerve
onaf incomplete; unfinished