Englisch–Deutsches Wörterbuch

Deutsche Übersetzung des englischen Wortes vote

Englisch → Deutsch
EnglischDeutsch (indirekt übersetzt)Esperanto
(poll; ballot)
🔗 Almost everyone Clewlow knows voted to leave.
🔗 Given that Biden now has 306 electoral votes, Hovland also said it was difficult to imagine how a victory of that magnitude would be overturned.
🔗 If May loses this vote, then all bets are off.
🔗 And if that fails, MPs are likely to vote again Thursday on requesting a delay to Brexit from the EU.
(ballot; balloting; poll; polling; voting)
🔗 The ANC had won every previous national election since the historic 1994 vote that ended white minority rule, but over the last decade South Africans have watched the economy stagnate, unemployment and poverty climb and infrastructure crumble, leading to regular power outages.
🔗 Even though talks on Britain’s EU exit are due to begin later this month―the most important foreign policy move the UK has made since 1945⁓voters regarded Brexit as an issue already settled in last year’s referendum and one they were not willing to reopen at this time.
(ballot; balloting; poll; polling; vote)

vote abstimmen; Abstimmung; Abstimmungsergebnis; Stimme; wählen; Wahlrecht
right to vote Stimmrecht
vote against Gegenstimme; stimmen gegen
vote for stimmen für; wählen
vote of parliament Parlamentsbeschluß
vote of thanks Dankesworte
casting‐vote entscheidende Stimme
voter Wähler; Wählerin
voting Wahl