Englisch–Deutsches Wörterbuch

Deutsche Übersetzung des englischen Wortes instantly

Englisch → Deutsch
EnglischDeutsch (indirekt übersetzt)Esperanto
(at once; right now; forthwith; instantaneously; straight away; immediately; straightway; directly; right off the bat; right away)
🔗 Yvar Excelsus, the irascible king of Dascinet, instantly claimed the vessel and its cargo, citing maritime law, and sent lighters to unload the cargo.
(moment; time)
🔗 In the shadows behind her the contorted face of lady Desdea showed for an instant.
(immediate; direct; instantaneous; outright; prompt)
🔗 Jubal made an instant protest.

instantly sofort
instant Augenblick; augenblicklich; fristlos; sofortig