English–French dictionary

French translation of the English word Chinese

English → French
EnglishFrench (translated indirectly)Esperanto
🔗 They can make a better living working in a low‐wage Chinese amusement park than at home in the Ukraine.
🔗 Before the Cultural Revolution, Máo had launched the industrialization and agricultural modernisation campaign known as the Great Leap Forward, creating a famine that led to the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese.
Chinese arbor‐vitae
(Chinese thuja; Oriental arbor‐vitae; Oriental thuja)
arbre de vie
thuya de Chine
thuya d’Orient
Chinese artichoke
(crosne; Japanese artichoke; knotroot; artichoke betony)
tubera stakiso
Chinese bitter orange
(trifoliate orange; Japanese bitter orange; hardy orange)
citronnier épineux
oranger trifolié
trifolia citruso
Chinese box‐thorn
(Chinese wolfberry)
lyciet commun
lyciet de Barbarie
Chinese chard
(paksoi; Chinese white cabbage; pak choi; Chinese mustard; celery mustard; spoon cabbage; Chinese leaves)
bok choy
chou de Chine
pak choy
Chinese chives
(garlic chives; Oriental garlic; Asian chives; Chinese leek)
ciboule de Chine
Chinese convolvulus
(water spinach; river spinach; water morning glory; water convolvulus)
liseron d’eau
Chinese date
(Chinese jujube; jujube)
jujubier commun
Chinese evergreen oak
(bamboo‐leaf oak; Chinese ring‐cupped oak)
chêne à feuilles de bambou
chêne à feuilles de myrsine
mirsinofolia kverko
Chinese gooseberry
Chinese ivy
(Japanese cress)
cardamine lyre
Chinese jujube
jujubier commun
Chinese juniper
genévrier de Chine
Chinese lantern
(bladder‐cherry; Japanese lantern; winter cherry)
coqueret alkékenge
Chinese leaf
(nappa cabbage; Peking cabbage)
chou chinois
chou de Pékin
Chinese leaves
(paksoi; Chinese white cabbage; pak choi; Chinese chard; Chinese mustard; celery mustard; spoon cabbage)
bok choy
chou de Chine
pak choy
Chinese leek
(garlic chives; Oriental garlic; Asian chives; Chinese chives)
ciboule de Chine
Chinese long bean
(yardlong bean; long‐podded cowpea; asparagus bean; snake bean)
dolique asperge
haricot kilomètre
Chinese mustard
(paksoi; Chinese white cabbage; pak choi; Chinese chard; celery mustard; spoon cabbage; Chinese leaves)
bok choy
chou de Chine
pak choy
Chinese pear
(Asian pear; Korean pear; Japanese pear; Taiwanese pear; sand pear)
Chinese persimmon
(Oriental persimmon; Japanese persimmon; kaki)
plaqueminier du Japon
figuier caque
plaqueminier kaki
Chinese ring‐cupped oak
(bamboo‐leaf oak; Chinese evergreen oak)
chêne à feuilles de bambou
chêne à feuilles de myrsine
mirsinofolia kverko
Chinese spinach
(water spinach; river spinach; water morning glory; water convolvulus; Chinese convolvulus)
liseron d’eau
Chinese spinach
(Malabar spinach; vine spinach; climbing spinach; creeping spinach; buffalo spinach; Ceylon spinach; Indian spinach; Vietnamese spinach; Malabar nightshade)
épinard de Malabar
Chinese thuja
(Oriental arbor‐vitae; Chinese arbor‐vitae; Oriental thuja)
arbre de vie
thuya de Chine
thuya d’Orient
Chinese watercress
(water spinach; river spinach; water morning glory; water convolvulus; Chinese convolvulus)
liseron d’eau
Chinese white pine
(Armand pine)
pin d’Armand
armanda pino
Chinese windmill palm
(windmill palm; Chusan palm)
palmier à chanvre
palmier de Chine
Chinese wisteria
glycine de Chine
Chinese wolfberry
(Chinese box‐thorn)
lyciet commun
lyciet de Barbarie
🔗 The second patient did not travel to China.

Chinese chinois; Chinois
Chinese arbor‐vitae arbre de vie; thuya de Chine; thuya d’Orient
Chinese artichoke crosne
Chinese bitter orange citronnier épineux; oranger trifolié
Chinese box‐thorn lyciet commun; lyciet de Barbarie
Chinese cabbage bok choy; chou chinois; chou de Chine; chou de Pékin; pak choy; pe‐tsaï
Chinese chard bok choy; chou de Chine; pak choy
Chinese chives ciboule de Chine
Chinese convolvulus liseron d’eau
Chinese date jujubier commun
Chinese evergreen oak chêne à feuilles de bambou; chêne à feuilles de myrsine
Chinese ivy cardamine lyre
Chinese jujube jujubier commun
Chinese juniper genévrier de Chine
Chinese lantern alkékenge; amour‐en‐cage; cerise de Juif; cerise d’hiver; coqueret alkékenge
Chinese leaf chou chinois; chou de Pékin; pe‐tsaï
Chinese leaves chou chinois; chou de Pékin; pe‐tsaï
Chinese leek ciboule de Chine
Chinese long bean dolique asperge; haricot kilomètre
Chinese mustard bok choy; chou de Chine; pak choy
Chinese pear nachi
Chinese persimmon figuier caque; plaqueminier du Japon; plaqueminier kaki
Chinese ring‐cupped oak chêne à feuilles de bambou; chêne à feuilles de myrsine
Chinese spinach liseron d’eau; épinard de Malabar
Chinese thuja arbre de vie; thuya de Chine; thuya d’Orient
Chinese watercress liseron d’eau
Chinese white pine pin d’Armand
Chinese windmill palm palmier de Chine; palmier à chanvre
Chinese wisteria glycine de Chine
Chinese wolfberry lyciet commun; lyciet de Barbarie
China Chine